Friday, May 31, 2019
Boxer-Snowe Amendment Essays -- essays research papers
Abortion Rights and the Boxer-Snowe Amendment February 15, 2001 was the first day the Global Democracy Act of 2001 was to be introduced by Senators Barbara Boxer, capital of Washington Snowe and Lincoln Chafee. This legislation would prevent the United States from imposing undemocratic and dangerous restrictions on health providers overseas. Representatives Nita Lowey and Nancy Johnson also would be introducing matching legislation in the class when it returned from recess. Senator Boxer and Representative Lowey developed the legislation in response to the global gag precept, imposed by President Bush on January 22, 2001 on the twenty-eighth anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. The rule reinstated the Reagan-era Mexico City policy, which denied United States funding to any foreign non-governmental organizations that provide abortion services, counseling or referrals, or lobbied to change abortion laws. (, 2001)It was thought that by imposing the g lobal gag rule, President Bush interferes with the doctor patient relationship, and the sovereignty of other nations. This rule required foreign health care providers to withhold critical medical information from their patients, as a condition of receiving U.S. funding. This restriction created a culture of cultism among those best equipped to address the health needs of women and their families around the world. (, 2001)In our countries desperate time of need over seas, this legislation also banned pu...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
College Football at its Best :: Essays Papers
College Footb every last(predicate) at its BestAs a writer for, Eric Neel travels approximately college campuses and examines the many different atmospheres on college football halting days. One of his many visits was to the city of Columbus to witness one of the greatest traditions in sports in the Ohio State Buckeyes. His campus tour as it is called is non a competition and he does not rank the schools, but in his article about Ohio State he voices his opinion that it is the top place to watch a football game. For many citizens of Ohio and mainly Columbus, Buckeye football is a religion and this fact impressed Eric Neel and compelled him to say that Columbus was like no other place he had ever seen. He is analyzing Columbus football atmosphere on a beautiful Saturday in which the fans are tailgating for the game against the Spartans of Michigan State. The article is written to all college football fans and especially to Ohio State fans to credit them for being the best college football fans in the nation. There are many great places to watch college football games in the nation and giving one the distinction of best is a bold statement. The author supports his claim with his experiences during his day in Columbus and gives different stories of his interactions during the day. His examples are convert because they show many different aspects of the experience of Ohio State football games. Each story and example is very different, but truly shows the spirit of Buckeye followers. He starts his article with a story about three men dressed in scarlet and grey suits, which are the Ohio State colors, and tells how they are going to a wedding. This simple story tells how important Buckeye football is to the people of Columbus and the support that is present from all the fans. He tells of the miles and miles of tailgaters who are located all around the stadium, and he even compares this situation to a pilgrimage to Mecca. A pilgrimage to Mecca is the most important part of the entire Islamic religion and being compared to this, is a strong support for the passion present during a game day in Columbus. The list goes on and on with supporting evidence and the author does not even come close to including all the different aspects of his topic.
Romanticism, Reason, and Puritanism in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarle
Romanticism, Reason, and Puritanism in The Scarlet Letter     The novel, The Scarlet Letter, is about the struggle three people face objet dart trying to live their lives and find happiness in a Puritan society.  In the early 1640s, Hester has come to the small town of Boston, Massachusetts, from Great Britain, while her husband, Chillingworth, ties up all of the loose ends back in Great Britain.  Hester and Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, the towns priest, engage in the act of adultery and produce a baby girl named driblet though, only Hester knows that Dimmesdale is the father.  She has promised Dimmesdale not to reveal his identity.  Hester is put on display in front of the entire town to punish her, and to also serve as an voice in hopes that it will deter others from sinning.  She is then put in jail with her young child for a few months and is forever made to wear a scarlet letter A, which stands for Adultery.  Hesters husband, Roger Chillingworth, who had been captured by native American Indians on his way to New England and held in captivity for two years, escapes and enters the town of Boston.  After learning of what Hester had d ane, Chillingworth poses as a doctor and vows to discover the identity of Hesters partner in sin.  Hester agrees to keep his true identity a secret, too.    Each character in the novel represents one or more philosophies including Romanticism, Reason, and Puritanism that one could adhere to in life. Romanticism focuses on the individual and preaches finding truth, Reason, involves the belief that one can use logic to lap anything and a perfect society will create perfect men, and Puritanism, where all t... ...d the sinful act of adultery with his wife.  His logic and reason guide him to his answer that his drive to know eventually weakens and kills him.  Reverend Dimmesdale strayed from his Puritan beliefs when he committed adultery.  His struggle is not with Reason or Romanticism but with his steadfast friendship to the Puritan beliefs.  Dimmesdale does not find reason within himself for his relationship with Hester nor does he reveal the truth about his sinful relationship until he realizes he is dying.  Nevertheless, this coda attempt to clear his conscience results in his death.   True happiness escapes all three characters except one and that is Hester.  Hester blended the philosophies of Reason, Romanticism, and Puritanism and was able to live life comfortably.  Philosophies, a person cant have just one.  
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Teacher-Student Relationship :: Democratic Education, teaching, teachers
Discussing the teacher-student relationship, Freire (1995) advocates that liberating program line consists in acts of cognition, not transfers of information (p. 57). Throughout the text, he classifies cardinal kinds of educational ideologiesthe banking concept of education and problem-posing education. In the book, he lists several characteristics of banking theory. He argues that one feature of this educational ideology is that the teachers work as narrators in the classroom, which leads students to watch mechanically the narrated content (1995, p. 53), and eventually turn students into receptacles and depositories. Apart from inquiry, this ideology projects an absolute ignorance onto others (1995, p. 57). As a result, banking theory and practice minimize students creative power and to arrest their credulity servers the interest of the oppressors who neither to have the world revealed nor to see it transformed (1995, p. 58). On the other hand, taking the multitudes historicit y as the starting point, problem-posing education emphasizes the equal and positive relationship between teachers and students, in which teachers are no longer the ones who teach, but ones who are in dialogues with the students who in turn while universe taught also teachers (1995, p. 65). In line with Freires belief, Greene, in 1988, writes from a more specific perspective, suggesting that teaching for conscientization is an awareness that might make injustice unendurable (p. 6). He maintains that teachers should over stimulate internalized oppression, in order to teach not only what they believe, but also teach for the sake of arousing the kinds of vivid, reflective and experiential responses that might motivate students to come together to understand what social justice actually means (1988, p. 3). Providing a more specific situation, he asserts that teaching for social justice demands openings to all sides to that of persons athirst(predicate) of telling their stories or pic turing them in some fashion to that of new comers striving to make sense of the very notion of consensus or mutuality to that of children and unsalted people, familiar with the languages used at home (not standard English) or with the language of the street (1988, p. 16). This article makes me recall my prior educational experiences in China where people value teaching and guiding base on textbook contents. It is also being used in Chinese family education. Students perceive knowledge by earreach to what the parents have told them and by reading textbooks which parents ask them to read.
Careers in Rural Areas Essay -- social work, community activists, rural
When going to work in a rural area there are many things that need to be considered. One job that a starting social worker may take would be in the area of activism in the community. Community activists are deport in many organizations and even work in many rural environments. One good example of a rural area that has community activists is Jay County. In order to transition to a new job in a rural setting it is important to look at all areas of life. Some of the areas that should be looked at are the setting, job and community, geographic and physical environment, the challenges and rewards that are involved in rural setting and steps to prepare so that the transition washbasin be accomplished more smoothly. Setting, Job and Community In order to understand what experience is possible it is important to look at where the communitys location and the agency where employment was found. . Jay county is located between Adams and Randolph county and located about half an hour fr om Muncie, Indiana. According to the my local profile of Jay county, there are some(prenominal) towns that are included. The towns that are part of Jay County are Bryant, Dunkirk, Pennville, Portland, Redkey and Salamonia. Jay County has 21,366 residents and covers 383.91 miles with about 55.4 batch per square mile (United States Census Bureau, 2013). According to the Census, the per capta income from 2012 was, $19,818 per year and the average household income was $40,926 with 14.8 percent of people living below the poverty line (United States Census Bureau, 2013). One organization that serves Jay County is the United Way of Jay County. The United Way of Jay County works to improve lives by investment funds in lasting changes in our community (United Way of Ja... .... All these steps will help with the transition and effective practice. Works CitedGinsberg, L. (2011). Social work in rural communities. Larson, N. C., & Dearmont, M. (2002). Strengths of Farming Communities in F ostering Resilience in Children. Child Welfare, 81(5), 821-835.Jay county . (2014). Retrieved from http// United States Census Bureau. (2013). Jay county, indiana . Retrieved from http// United Way of Jay County. (2014). United personal manner of jay county. Retrieved from http// United States Department of Labor. (2014). Agricultural operations. Retrieved from https// Young, D. (2004). IOM sets strategy for improving rural health care quality. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 61(24), 2618.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Modern Labyrinth Essays -- Literacy Analysis
Film is a form of storytelling, and all stories are, in essence recycled, contemporary films essential modernize a story of the past to make it accessible to modern audiences. This is the case with the film, gos Labyrinth. The myth of Theseus and the Minotaur has been rewritten and modernized in the 2006 film, Pans Labyrinth. The myth Theseus and the Minotaur and the morals that exist within it, present a context in which it will be possible to interpret and analyze the film Pans Labyrinth as a modern day rewriting of the myth.In order to understand how Pans Labyrinth has been rewritten, it is important to initiatory understand the original myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. According to Edith Hamiltons Mythology, the story of Theseus and his quest to slay the Minotaur begins long before Theseuss birth. Minos, the powerful ruler of Crete, had lost his however sonwhile the young man was visiting the Athenian King (Hamilton 211). In order to seek revenge, Minos invaded Athens and d eclared that he would raze it to the drop anchor unless every nine years the people sent him a tribute of seven maidens and seven youths (Hamilton 212). When the victims reached Crete, they would be sacrificed to a beast that was half bull, half charitable, known as the Minotaur (Hamilton 212). The Minotaur was housed in a labyrinth where escape was impossible (Hamilton 212). To this place, the young Athenians were each time taken and left to the Minotaur (Hamilton 212). This ritual continued until maven year, Theseus, son of the Athenian king and heir to throne, offered to be one of the victims. Unbeknownst to the people, Theseus had every intention of slaying the beast. When the young victims arrived in Crete they were paraded before the inhabitants o... ...ce to bravely and contumaciously act against authority rather than blindly remain obedient. This film shows the power of innocence over evil and the triumph of imagination over colorless servitude honest as the original tale of Theseus and the Minotaur, but with a darker new interpretation.Works CitedFilmtracks Modern Soundtrack Reviews. (2007, January 05). Retrieved May 04, 2012, from http//, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2011). Film From Watching to Seeing. San Diego, CA Bridgepoint Education, Inc. https// Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. 1942. N.p. Back Bay Books, 1998. bring outVC. (2010, September 23). The Vigilant Citizen. Retrieved May 05, 2012, from The Esoteric Interpretation of Pans Labyrinth http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
Political and economic effects of Mongol rule on China and Middle East Essay
Yuan economic policies also accommodated traditional Chinese practices. Yuan rulers did not try to convert China into the Mongol-style nomadic thrift instead, they fostered agriculture. They restored the she, rural organizations composed of about 50 families, to assist in farming. These organizations also improved flood control, established charity granaries for orphans and widows, and introduced such impertinently crops as sorghum. In addition, early Yuan emperors sought to protect the peasants by devising a regular, fixed system of taxation.Unlike previous Chinese dynasties, the Yuan rulers fostered trade and accorded merchants a high social status. Moreover, they promoted commerce by increasing the use of paper money, by offering cheap loans to merchant associations (ortogh), by building roads, and by allowing locomotion merchants to lodge and to obtain supplies at government postal stations, which were located about 32 km (20 mi) apart throughout the empire.Concern about supply ing the new capital led the Yuan court to initiate the ambitious project of rerouting and expanding the Grand Canal, aiding the shipping of surplus grain from grey China to the less racy lands of the north.Such government support for merchants, together with the peace imposed on much of Asia by the Mongols, resulted in the greatest expansion of commerce in Eurasiatic history. Indian, Southeast Asian, Persian, Arab, and even European merchants arrived in China.Muslim merchants, the principal intermediaries in the overland trade between China and Central Asia, West Asia, and Europe, brought horses, carpets, medicines, and spices to China, and exported Chinese textiles, ceramics, and lacquerware. From the southern port cities of Quanzhou (Chan-chou), Guangzhou (Kuang-chou), and Yangzhou (Yang-chou), they conveyed Chinese ceramics and silks by ship and returned with spices, precious stones, incense, pepper, and medicines.The growing agricultural and commercial economy initially provi ded sufficient revenue for the court, but not for long. The passkey tax structure did not exploit the Chinese and was not burdensome on landlords, peasants, merchants, or artisans. In fact, Kublai Khan repeatedly reduced or postponed taxes on those of his Chinese subjects whose lands had suffered duringnatural disasters.Yet the various construction projects he had undertaken, the building of the capital, postal stations and roads, and the enlargement of the Grand Canal, as well as armed forces campaigns against Japan, Java, and mainland Southeast Asia, were costly. As the governments expenditures soared, its need for additional revenue became more(prenominal) pressing.The court responded by appointing two new non-Chinese ministers whose principal duties were to raise more funds. However, their authoritarian methods only worsened the problem. By imposing higher taxes on merchants, deliberately inflating the currency, and increasing prices on salt, iron, and other goods monopolized by the government, they succeeded only in alter Chinese officials. Finally, their highhanded treatment of the bureaucracy and their profiteering led to the assassination of one and the execution of the other. The economic situation merely declined further.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Education in Mizoram Essay
Education is the most vital demonstrate that contributes to all round development of a society. It not only brings about the best in serviceman personality, but can also be the medium of peace and progress of a nation. Education is a critical factor in improving the whole step of life of the people, in eradicating poverty and accelerating economic growth. It is the lifeline of both modern day civilization or country. Without precept, we cannot see beyond ourselves and our narrow surroundings to the universe of global interdependence.Without grooming, we cannot realize how peoples of other races and religions share the same dreams, the same hopes. Without education, we cannot recognize the university of human aims and aspirations. Kofi Annan. Mizoram is among those states where education was first initiated and popularized by the British. Missionaries were responsible for the growth and institutionalization of education in the state. The first educational institution in Mizora m was initiated by the rusharies in the Aizawl region in 1897. The educational scenario in Mizoram today as viewed from the angle of literacy is genuinely smart at 91.58% and stands 2nd among the states in India, next only to Kerala, according to the 2011 Census. It is really not a figure we can much be high-flown of as education should be viewed from the angle of its contribution in improving the quality of life of the people and thereby eradicating poverty and accelerating economic growth, in which Mizoram is follow behind. The main issue is that the current educational system is not able to produce employable graduates who can compete with graduates from other parts of the country.This results in the ontogeny in unemployed graduates every year. STATE EDUCATION REFORMS COMMISSION-MIZORAM Educational system of any society needs regular changes and reforms in the light of the emerging issues, concerns and challenges. Recently, Mizoram has institute up a State Education Refor ms Commission with a view to promote qualitative change and reforms in the field of education. The notify of the commission is an all important(p) guide towards restructuring the education system of Mizoram.The report suggests that in tune with the provisions and spiritof Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act of 2009, the school education in the state may be readjusted. The national programmes like the SSA need to be implemented in letter and spirit. The report puts particular emphasis on pre-school education and recommends that institutions like SCERT may step in to help the state in this respect with documentation and research. The report emphasizes on the merits and applicability of open and outdistance learning system in supplementing the conventional and classroom based formal education and also in providing avenues for vocational education in the state.It may be pointed out here that the north-east region in general and Mizoram in particular could be develo ped as Indias hub for quality handicrafts and forest-based products. The report deals with somewhat of the basic concerns of curriculum. In this connection, extra emphasis may turn over to be given on science and mathematics education with the application of innovative methods, kits and practices. The report also points out that with a view to achieve all-round development of the students, school curricula should have definite components of health and physical education, art education and do education.The report makes a particular reference to the provisions under Section 29 of the Right to Education Act 2009 and suggests there should not be any public examination for the students from Class I to VIII but with a continuous process of monitoring and comprehensive evaluation. A system of grading replaces the bulls eye system. This system is currently being introduced in most private and govt. schools today with great enthusiasm from the teachers, parents and the students. The repo rt suggests that there is an urgent need to boost enrolment of students in the colleges.As such, it recommended that so of the unviable colleges with poor enrolment records may be merged with other better functioning adjacent colleges. It also suggested that about 20% of the annual budget of higher education may be earmarked for infrastructural and instructional development in the colleges. The issues concerns and challenges of teacher education are also discussed in the report. It suggests that the subsisting may be force-outened with the help of superfluous inputs like infrastructural facilities and human resources.The report suggests upward mobility of teachers. It supports the idea of lifting of ban on new recruitments and avoidance of contractual appointment of teachers as far as practicable. The report suggests that the government should encourage professional development of school and college teachers by providing facilities like study leave, research grants, and so on S SA Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is a comprehensive and integrated flagship programme of Government of India to attain Universal Elementary Education (UEE), covering the entire country in a mission mode.SSA has been launched in 2001-2002 in partnership with the State Governments and Local Self Governments. The programme aims to provide useful and relevant, elementary education to all children in the 6 14 age group by 2010. It is an initiative to universalize and improve quality of education through decentralized and context specific planning and a process based, sentence bound implementation strategy. The programme lays emphasis on bridging all gender and social category gaps at elementary education level with time bound objectives.Its intention is clear from the name itself Sarva meaning all, Shiksha meaning education, and Abhiyan meaning campaign. SSA adopts, the bottom-up process of planning, wherein the felt needs of the served communities and educational needs of learners are soundly taken care of and the plan fits into the broad framework of SSA. In view of the fact that the desired cash advance and sustenance of the improved efficiency level cannot be achieved without the active involvement of the community in the schooling system, SSA has emphasized the involvement of local people and stakeholders in planning.This also ensures reflection of local specificity, which is essential for achieving the goals of the programme. For a brief understanding of the activities of the SSA mission, it is important to highlight some of its objectives * The programme seeks to open new schools in those habitations which do not have schooling facilities and strengthen active school infrastructure through provision of additional class rooms, toilets, drinking water, maintenance grant and school improvement grants.* Existing schools with inadequate teacher strength are provided with additional teachers, while the capacity of existing teachers is being strengthened by ex tensive training, grants for developing teaching-learning materials and strengthening of the academic support structure at a cluster, block and district level. * SSA seeks to provide quality elementary education including life skills. SSA has a special focus on girls education and children with special needs. SSA also seeks to provide computer education to bridge the digital divide. ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY.The role of the civil society is very important for the acknowledgment of universal elementary education. For the success of the SSA Mission, the common people, voluntary organizations, NGOs, etc. has an important role to turn tail. With reference to the Aizawl District, there are the voluntary organizations like the Y. M. A. and M. H. I. P. which had signed an cartel with the SSA for working unneurotic for the realization of the goals and objectives of the SSA Mission especially in the areas like identification of Out Of School Children, Children with Special Needs, promotion o f Girls Education, and more.The SSA and these voluntary organizations work together in creating awareness and also to change the mindsets of the people against the Children with Special Needs. Also, the Mizoram Presbyterian Church works constructively with the SSA in the promotion of its goals. It is through these organizations that the common people play an important role in the SSA Mission. CONCLUSION Achievements made by Mizoram in the field of elementary education, as a result of intervention of SSA, are very much appreciable. Enrollment and retention rate are appreciably high.Dropout rate and the number of out of school children are also very low as compared to other states of the country. A good number of new school buildings have come up and existing school buildings have improved a lot. Schools have become much more attractive places for children with the installation of outdoor play equipments such as colorful slides, see saw and swings. Children seem to enjoy the middle D ay Meal provided to them on daily basis and poor and working parents are greatly relieved from their burden.Schools with inadequate number of teachers have been equipped with additional teachers. We can, therefore, conclude that quantitative expansion and improvement have been achieved to an appreciable extent in Mizoram due to the intervention of SSA. However, Mizoram has only reached the stage where quantitative expansion and improvement has been achieved. A time has come when Mizoram has to give due attention and priority to qualitative improvement.Improved infrastructural facilities, high rate of enrolment retention, low rate of shed out and out of school children are not the ends but the means to realize the goals of qualitative elementary education. The state government and the SSA authorities should not be complacent with the achievement of only quantitative expansion of elementary education rather they should take care of aspects which can provide quality education to child ren in the primary and upper primary schools.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Syllabus Notes on Rome: The Augustan Age
Syllabus Notes Rome The Augustan Age 44BC AD14 1Establish custodyt of the Principate Impact of the Death of Caesar Republic politics = Senate. Julius assassinated seen to be becoming dictator. Wealth + position left to Octavian. Political heirs thought to be Antony (other consul) and Lepidus (master of horses/ assistant to dictator) Ant in charge (abolishes dictatorship) Lep pontifex maximus in Spain too soon Career of Octavian -Speech nans funeral Education + military training from Caesar hears of fathers death AVENGE -Pays 75 denarii w. own $ & hosts games (comet = soul of Caesar) -Puts army unitedly & gets imperium to defeat Ant in Gaul Decimus Brutus given ecstasy Second Triumvirate and Civil War -Joins Ant works & Lepidus where interests lie (triumvirate) power of dictator, against Republicans -Senate & Cicero reject demands for consulship, Oct seizes accountant prepares for war (against assasins Brutus & Cassius) -Proscriptions Cicero escapees joined Pompieus B attle of Phillipi Reps defeated- triumvirs divide empire -Treaty of Brudism war risk Ant marries Octavia further division -Treaty of Misenum Pirate Pompieus gets 3 area after stopping corn. Archaea proconsul. -Ant marries Cleo ending of Triumvirate Consequences and Significance of the Battle of Actium -Civil uproar Ants propaganda (Ants will) -Blockade (w. Agrippa) Cleo & Ant escape leave fleet behind- later commit suicide -Troops demobilized Egypt annexed to Rome pays off campaigns, triumph + adorns Rome -Oct establishes authority in East & put in prayers and liberations -Temple of Janus closed after 200yrs PEACE Development of the Principate Settlements of 27 and 23 BC -Puts aside powers allow to him looks like Senate is in control -Became Princeps (1st citizen) others held title before -1ST SETTLEMENT Procunsular Imperium Consul Augustus -2ND SETTLEMENT Procunsular maius Imperium Tribunica Potestas Titles, Honours and Images Propaganda associates himself with victories, religi on, heirs, peace -All over the empire- promote himself, looks like he does a the great unwashed for the people prima porta -Didnt use title a lot- makes him seem too powerful Syllabus Notes Rome The Augustan Age 44BC AD14 2The Augustan Principate Augustus and the Senate Roles and Responsibilities -Augustus treated the Senate with respect (example of JC), he was fair -shared the work not power -Army, honours & auctoritas helped Aug control Senate -Unsuitable members removed 3 times (1000 to 600) and fewer sessions -Members had to have heritable link or favour from Aug.Monetary qualification -Hereditary members broad purple stripe New Men narrow purple stripe -Senatorial provinces were peaceful Imperial provinces (Aug) were armed -Consilium principas council that advised Aug- 20 senators and family members Roles of Magistrates and Officials -Positions held status & power- cursus honorum leads to other opportunities -Aediles lost popularity and responsibilities grain supply, aquedu cts, fire brigade -Aug approve/reject candidates for positions due to autoritas -Consulship reduced to 6 months -New committees used senior men more specific jobs, quality of work improved
Friday, May 24, 2019
Beano Ice Cream
Amanda Dundee BEANO CASE QUESTIONS 1. Harriss partnership proposal is not fair for Smith. He completely revised the original investment occur and contribute deal that they had original discussed. He is asking to raise his share to 49%, which would pose many problems for Smith in the control of the company. Giving Harris that eminent of a lay on the line in the certification would be giving him a lot more money, and half of the control. Smith would be dependent on Harris, and if something dead happened to him, or the deal didnt end up going through, then Smith would be out of business.His SCORE counselor recommended that he does not take up more than 20% share to one investor, and this is above and beyond that. He is also asking to be paid back his full loan of $95,000 over the low gear five years. This is completely unreasonable, since it is a brand new company and they will not be returning high profits in those primary years. With that expectation, Smith is expected to not only pay back his SBA loan, but also an extra $19,000 per year, with an added prime rate of interest, to Harris.With estimated incomes of only $41,000 after their early year in business, his entire salary for the year would be $8,695. Not only that, but Harris would shorten his loan back in five years, overconfident an extra $111,867. This is an extra 22 time the center he put in, while Smith would be left with close to nothing. 2. Even though the estimated scratch incomes are increasing at a steady pace, it will take him at least five years to get to an average salary steer around $60,000. Even then, he will have his SBA loan and Harriss personal loan to pay back, which would be a huge detriment into his salary.It would be much more rewarding for him if he could come to a negotiation with Harris as an investor, or find a new investor all together. This way he could pay off his loan over a longer period of time, and maybe not give up a lot of his control. With the equity stak e and loan that Harris is offering, Smith would not be getting a great salary or return from all his hard work. This particular franchise seems to be pretty stable with only a 5% failure rate. Once he gets past those first few years, he will start sightedness more of a rofit, with some stores even reaching $500,000 in sales, and they are number three in market position in sales. The franchisee program comes with a lot of perks that will make it much easier for Smith to be successful in his ventures, and the company has a solid competitive advantage with specifics that include superior ingredients, new product and market development, and environmentally conscious behavior. 3. I would not recommend Smith to go into a partnership with Harris.He does not seem in truth fair in his projections of what his is putting into the company, and seems to be attempting to connive Smith into giving up a ton of his control for not a great amount of return. His financials expectations are completel y unfair and not warranted. Smith will be left with an extremely low salary, and Harris will be making 22 times the amount of his investment in a short period of time. While Smith wants to get started as soon as possible on this first franchise due to his financial problems, if he chooses to go with Harris he could be getting himself into much deeper trouble.The franchise itself seems to be a decent option, with its great location, franchise support, and competitive advantage, but Smith should wait to find a better partner. This business will not succeed if the two owners do not get along. It would ruin their entire organizational and managerial structure. FINANCIAL APPENDIX 51% Cash flow Distributions Smiths share 1997 with loan $ 17,050 $ 17,050 $ 8,695 1998 with loan $ 37,050 $ 24,350 $ 12,418 1999 with loan $ 55,650 $ 41,750 $ 21,292 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001EBT $ 29,000 $ 49,000 $ 67,600 $ 87,100 $ 87,800 Add disparagement $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ 12,00 0 $ 12,000 Cash flow $ 41,000 $ 61,000 $ 79,600 $ 99,100 $ 99,800 Price earning ration (3) 3 3 3 3 3 Company value(average of cash flows from previousyears x 3) $ 123,000 $ 153,000 $ 181,600 210525 $ 228,300 Investor ownership 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% Buy out amount $ 60,270 $ 74,970 $ 88,984 $ 103,157 $ 111,867
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Is Routine Circumcision of Infants Ethical?
History of Circumcision Reviewing the history of circumcision and the many misguided rea tidingss for its practice will help form an understanding of the multifaceted issues concerning casual infant circumcision. Some of the earliest evidence of male circumcision comes from Egypt around the year 3000 BC. However, researchers studying this practice do non understand or agree on its purpose. Some researches believe that circumcision was a form of branding for slaves while others thought it to be from the priestly class as a form of religious ritual.But when is more pertinent to this program line is that the early Greeks and Romans outlawed male circumcision believing it to be a barbaric form of mutilation of male genitalia. The first documented purpose for circumcision is in the Old testament Scriptures (Gen 1710) concerning the covenant between Abraham and God, vocalisation of the relationship between Israel and Yahweh. According to the governing doctrinal resource for Catholics worldwide, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the explanation for Old Testament circumcision is in section 1150. 1150 Among these liturgical signs from the Old Covenant be circumcision, anointing and consecration of kings and priests, laying on of hands, sacrifices, and above wholly the Passover. The Church sees in these signs a prefiguring of the sacraments of the New Covenant. The circumcision of the Nazarene in the New Testament explains that when Jesus came, as the fulfillment of prophecy that the new covenant manifested through the innocent blood of Jesus replaces once and for all the old covenant through Father Abraham.There is no longer a need for animal sacrifices and the early Christian community determined that baptism was to be the new sign of the covenant. 527- Jesus circumcision, on the eighth twenty-four hours after his birth, is the sign of his incorporation into Abrahams descendants, into the people of the covenant. It is the sign of his submission to the legal philosophy and his deputation to Israels worship, in which he will participate throughout his life. This sign prefigures that circumcision of Christ which is Baptism. Routine infant circumcision in the United States became prevalent in the Victorian age (1840) and reached its height during the coolness War (1940) when technology, hospitals, and modern medicine sought to institutionalize the birthing process. Including more than 90% of boys, infant circumcisions became so routine that doctors performed the social function without actually receiving consent from the call downs. Parents not desiring the process for their sons were considered negligent.Given the history and the misguided reasons for practicing routine circumcision, why would a bring up authorize, a doctor perform, or an insurance conjunction liquidate for, the routine circumcision of infants? A. Health Reasons- certainly it would be ethical to surgically remove the penis foreskin of a male infant if in some way it presented a health risk there is no real argument here. B. Tradition-for generations, infants have undergone various procedures under the reasoning of tradition. From binding feet in Japan (which has been banned) to piercing ears, and stint necks, tradition plays a large part in the decision for circumcision. Many men, who like their own fathers were circumcised as infants, think that their claw in turn efficiency as well be circumcised too. However, is there any real thinking going on here at all? I argue that plainly because everyone else jumps off a bridge, is that any reason for you to jump off as well.Religious Beliefs- I would have to say yes, it is ethical to have a child circumcised if you are following a true religious belief. The parent who has legal potential over their child may choose (and in fact is morally obligated to choose) to do what they believe is in the best interest of the child. Therefore, for the Jews who believe that the outward sign of circum cision establishes their child in a covenantal relationship with God they are well within their ethical right and responsibility to have their sons circumcised.Freedom of religion is one of the building blocks of our free nation. Circumcision mentality Today thanks in part to our mass media modern society is ruled by prevailing mentalities. These pervasive mindsets allure us to what appears to be the benefits of circumcision, while completely obscuring any mathematical negative ramifications. The mentality is permeated into societal norms, which are almost impossible to resist, and are most difficult to correct. An accepted societal mentality is further driven by force of habit.Among other things, we live in a society that assumes that a male infant in the United States is routinely circumcised. Seldom are discussions of the pros and cons of the procedure brought to the attention of the parent, unless the parent specifically requests it. Even then, the doctor may say, It is not med ically necessary but if the boys father has been circumcised, then you should probably have your son circumcised as wellor you wouldnt want him to look different than his friends when he becomes a high school student in the locker room. medical checkup Ethics When looking into medical ethics, the Oath of Hippocrates standard for medical professionals since 400 BCE shed some additional light onto the situation. From the Oath I do solemnly swear by whatever I hold most sacred, that I will be loyal to the profession of medicinethat I will go my art, solely for the cure of my patients and the prevention of disease Therefore, considering the Hippocrates oath, a routine circumcision of an infant male does not fall into the category of curing a patient, and the preventing of disease Why then would doctors perform such an unnecessary procedureCatholic Theological Ethics As a student of Theology, from a Roman Catholic spatial relation I have yet to hear a discussion concerning the morali ty of circumcision. However after researching the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) under the subtitle Mutilation of body separate section 2297 reads, Except when performed for strictly therapeutic medical reasons, directly intended amputations, mutilations, and sterilizations performed on innocent persons are against the moral law. VI. Personal Ethics Each parent possesses the God given right to rag certain decisions on behalf of their young children who cannot make these decisions themselves. A good example is immunizations no infant has the capability to make this decision, so the parent, in the childs best interest makes the decision to have the child immunized. I am a mother of four sons, natural in the years 1983, 1985, 1991 and 1992. Although the father of the boys was circumcised however, none of our boys is circumcised.To this day, none of them has ever had trouble of any kind, nor has it been an issue in the locker room. The decision to leave the boys as they were b orn, uncircumcised, was base on the fact that it was not a medical necessity, that anesthetic was not used (they had just been traumatized in birth), and that there was a possibility of complications from the procedure. Parents need to flash a more proactive stance in researching the pros and cons of the procedure, and should spend at least as much time and energy on this decision as they do in picking out a new carVII. Objective If the objective of the National Organization of Circumcision of Infants Resource Center is to reduce the event of routine circumcisions performed, I believe that to pursue this objective through legal channels alone would be fruitless. Big government has more than enough sanction in dictating to families what they can and cannot do for their children. Your best bet would be to lobby the insurance companies. Perhaps you could demand coverage for an elective surgical procedure such as having your breasts enlarged and when they tell you no that it is jus t a cosmetic or optional procedure, sue them for discriminatory practices.The last thing an insurance company wants is a class action lawsuit. It would be simple for them to simply take routine infant circumcisions off their list of covered procedures. In addition, a non-covered set down for an unnecessary procedure may prompt parents to give this issue closer consideration. D. Moral Law Next, one must consider which law is the governing authority in your life. The Moral Law operates under a set of religious beliefs. Found within the moral law are the Jewish Law, and the Christian Law (for the sake of brevity we will not mention other religious groups here).The Jewish Law of Circumcision establishes a covenant between God and Abraham (Gen 1710), representative of Yahweh and Israel. The Christian Law comes into effect with the birth of Jesus. Jesus becomes the new sign of the covenant, with the Baptism of infants as the effective cause. Concerning Civil Law under which all persons a re curb it has little criteria for establishing ethical arguments. One may ask questions of the law if allowing an un-anaesthetized circumcision is lawful, and what recourse would a child have if the procedure causes permanent damage to the male organ but these are considered civil, not ethical. Additionally, why would an insurance company pay for such an unnecessary procedure (when so many dont pay for many true necessities)? Perhaps it should be regarded as elective surgery and therefore it would be a charge paid for entirely by the parent requesting the procedure, not as an ordinary and customary procedure paid for by the insurance companies. However, the Hebrew people alone practiced the circumcision of infants on the 8th day after birth. The childs father, using a flint knife, preformed circumcision
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Mumbai-the City of Dreams Essay
Mumbai the city of dreams, the city of broken dreams. Millions go unnoticed like good sense castles washed away at the beach, millions argon attracted by the skyscrapers of Elphinstone, and millions are immortalized like the Elephanta-s. From Haji Ali to Siddhivinayak, from local anaesthetic trains to the Vada Pav, from the boulders of Bandstand to the sands of Juhu, from Mangeshkar to Tendulkar, from the Khans to the Bachchans, it is Aamchi Mumbai all the way. From the trawlers struggle for fresh take into custody to the coun sweats top CEO-s meetings, Indias business capital doesnt seem to sleep. With fruit juice at Rs. 5 a glass outside railway stations, to Rs. 200 a cappuccino at the Trident, life in Mumbai sails smooth with all its diversity. The night remains young from DJ jamming sessions to ek chaalis ki exist local. Almost a hundred Bollywood movies have had as their opening scene a long shot of Victoria conclusion, introducing Mumbai as sapno ki nagari. Arvind Swamis mourning(a) Tu Hi Re on old fort reminds us of Bombay, whereas Ranbir Kapurs Wake up Sid sketches Mumbai on a realistic canvas.Dreams come true here, dreams transgress here, but life doesnt go off the tracks. The locals move on, carrying few lakh dreaming hearts every day. The Churchgate slow local arrives on chopine 3 of Lower Parel station at 11am with about a dozen hanging on each footboard the ladies compartments have decked up corporate women in formals and topknots to Marathi fisherwomen speed to the markets to sell their fresh catch. In fact, Mumbai traffic compels few office goers to park their cars at stations and take the reliable local to office everyday Bombay to Goa to Saathiya, the local train has repeatedly come on the silver screen. Even the Oscar winning Indian movie Slumdog Millionaire had one of its popular songs shot at the famous Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus platform.Over the decades, it has turned out to be Mumbais lifeline. The tracks take a three hour daily break from 140am to 445am, CST to Khopoli, Churchgate to Dahanu. There are three main lines the Western, Central and the Harbour line. Life in Mumbai revolves around local trains the truth about which was felt when the Motormen strike on May 3rd, 2010 had left(p) Mumbai chaotic and overturned. Another thing that raises tourists eyebrows is the on-track vendors and their items. The ladies on their way buy household items to earrings to kurti-s.There is trial option also anyone can try a kurti before choosing to buy Another familiar face in the 901am Ambernath-Lower Parel II class ladies compartment is a lady who sells home-made sweets. She has an amazing style of commerce out the names of the sweets, a shrill loud voice coming unexpectedly out of her frail structure, and women indeed go berserk buying her delicacies. It is maybe correctly said, You will find answers to all the mysteries of the world, except one What does a woman want? The engine siren pierces through the silence of the night, the bogies rattle on the tracks, the signals go red and green, the pebbles on the fishplates turn and overturn, and the Mumbai locals go on and on.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Locker Room Talk Essay
Page 1 footlocker Room Talk Ethical Case April 18, 2010 Page 2 The Locker Room Talk Ethical Case outlines a situation that is an ethical dilemma for CPA Albert gable end who has performed in the flesh(predicate) fiscal planning for Larry and Susan Wilson. The Wilsons, in their discussions with Mr. gable regarding their individualized finances, mentioned that in the past they stick out had marriage problems but ware worked through the problems and are not seeking a divorce. gable and the Wilsons became personal friends due to the relationship built during their personal financial planning.Mr. Gable also performs the annual analyze for one of the largest lingos in the town where they every(prenominal) live. The sample pulled for the audit at the believe included the Wilsons add instruction. While performing the audit, Mr. Gable discovers cultivation on the Wilsons loan that does not coincide with the information given to him during the personal financial planning. Mr. G able is concerned and addresses the discrepancy with a loan officer but did not confide to the loan officer that he was also their personal financial deviser. The loan officer confided in Mr.Gable that Mr. Wilson was setting up his business to divorce his wife without any compensation. This situation puts Albert Gable in a situation with a conflict of interests. His personal financial client is also a client of the bank where he performs the annual audit. The information the Wilsons provided to him during their personal financial planning conflicts with the information provided on loan documentation at the bank. Albert Gable needs to determine the best course of go through to take in this situation. The StakeholdersThe stakeholders involved are Page 3 1. Albert Gable As the CPA, his professional business ethics are at risk and his personal reputation is on the line. He also has a large bonus weighing on his decision. 2. Mrs. Wilson She has the understanding that her marriage is not at risk and the financial planning is for the benefit of her and her husband for their future. 3. Mr. Wilson If he is not being honest with his wife and is planning on divorcing her, the information that Albert has uncovered during the audit could create problems for him. . The loan officer the loan officer that shared Mr. Wilsons personal information with Mr. Gable. 5. The bank the relationship Mr. Gable had with the Wilsons as personal financial planner was not disclosed to the bank and is a conflict of interest. Course of Action The best course of action that Mr. Gable should take is to meet with the Wilsons and develop that he cannot continue with their personal financial planning. He should have them seek out another financial planning firm to complete their personal financial plans.He should explain to them that he completes the annual audit for the bank and during the audit he discovered discrepancies with the loan information and the bank statements provided to him t o prepare their personal finances and due to the discrepancies he feels it is necessary to remove himself as their personal planner. By removing himself as the Wilsons personal financial planner, this eliminates the conflict of interest with the bank audit. By informing the Wilsons they need to locate another Page 4 irm and cannot use the CPA firm he is partner with for financial planning removes all conflict business and personal and maintains business and personal ethics. Furthermore, he needs to notify the bank of the conflict with the Wilson account and that he will not be able to conduct an audit of their accounts due the relationship that was initially formed with the personal finance planning. By following the above steps he protects the clients, the bank and upholds his professionalism and his business ethics. Impact to Stakeholder The deontology approach was used to determine the course of action.This approach to ethics emphasizes doing what one should do in accordance with rules, obligations and/or ethical principles of the profession. The electrical shock of the decision could cost Mr. Gable the banks account but if he would have acknowledge upfront his knowledge of the Wilsons prior to beginning the audit on their loan documents the situation could have been diverted. He is also losing a client, the Wilsons due to the bank audit and the review he completed of their loan documents. If he would have acknowledged to the bank and had the file removed from the audit all of this could have been avoided.Mr. Gable will need to take the time and explain to his client the Wilsons but he needs to keep it at a professional level and not discuss what was discovered only that it is conflict of interest. Conclusion Mr. Gable used poor judgment in his decision making process and has violated the ethic rules of the accounting profession. During the audit of the bank documentation he should have immediately notified the bank of the conflict with the Wilson file. He needed to be upfront with the bank and explain the Wilsons were also a client of his for personal financial planning Page 5 nd have the file removed from the sample audit or bring in a third troupe to complete the audit on the Wilson documents. The loan officer should not have shared the personal information with Mr. Gable and Mr. Gable should have ended the parley before it began. Sharing with the Wilsons that discrepancies were noted between bank statements and loan documentation will allow the Wilsons to clear up the discrepancies at the bank in regards to their accounts. Page 6 References Brooks, L. J. , 2007. Business & professional ethics for directors, executives & accountants (4th ed). Mason, OH Thomas South-Western.
Monday, May 20, 2019
The Crucible Tone Paper
The Crucible Tone Paper In Arthur Millers book/play The Crucible, the savour he adopts towards the subject of witch trials and witch hunts, and towards the characters that withstand them, is carefully written. His ironic and cynical tones throughout the play poke fun at the religious officials doing what they archetype was right, executing people they thought were witches. They also further the outlook on the lack of justice in a harsh, Puritan society. Miller continually uses irony in situations that led up to final accusations of witchcraft.In the events steer up to Elizabeths conviction, she receives a poppet from Mary Warren with a needle in its stomach. When he found this, Cheever exclaims I never warranted to see such proof of Hell This is ironic in the mien that he was involved in the trials of convicting witches, and witches are proof of the Devil, and therefore, proof of Hell. Another example of irony is in Act II when John monitor hands Danforth a will that people had signed declaring Rebecca Nurse, Martha Corey, and Elizabeth, exhaustively women.Proctor said sirtheyve k straight offn the women many years and never saw no sign they had dealings with the devil. This testament was supposed to help the women get out of jail. It ultimately failed. A great example of irony is when Elizabeth Proctor lies about the affair that she knows that Abigail and John Proctor have. Judge Danforth asks her Is your husband a lecher? Elizabeth answers No, sir. This shows that Elizabeth did not deficiency to confess about the affair. She was confused of what to say at times because she kept turning to John for what to say.I commit that this example is ironic mainly because it was said earlier in the book that Elizabeth had never told a lie, until now when she does lie about her Johns affair with Abigail. What is also ironic is the reason that this event happened. The decide needed somebody to tell them something about Proctor that they did not know while Proc tor was on trial. When Danforth tells Parris to go get Elizabeth, he asks John if she is of trust. John tells Danforth that Elizabeth had never told a lie, that she couldnt tell a lie.I think that this is ironic because he said that Elizabeth could not tell a lie, and to his surprise, she did tell a lie, for him. The portrayals of Puritanism in The Crucible suggest attri moreoveres of stubbornness and their beliefs. An example of this is that the society of Salem likes to choose false religious value over logical assumptions. This is ironic because rather than listen to logic in their minds, they listen to the religious propaganda world shoved down their throats by Reverend Hale and Reverend Parris.These men are considered to be holy, and because they were holy, they were basically insubordinate from being accused of witchcraft, as opposed to everyone else in Salem. For example, Reverend Hale states that The mans prescribed therefore the light of God is in him. Hale is referring to Reverend Parris, who in his eyes, was allowed to be overlooked as a victim of witchcraft because of his position in the religious society. He is said to be holy, but he is really lacking in his religious responsibilities by refusing to comfort the town when there was a commotion about the witchcraft.This is ironic because if everyone else can be accused of witchcraft, then they should be too. Everyone means everyone. Everyone doesnt mean everyone minus a few select people. If we wanted to discuss Millers stance towards the Salem Witch Trials, we could look to his words and see where his words express the ironic tone. His ironic tone throughout the book is constant. This irony proves to be what made it such a great book. Without the ironic under- and over-tones, you could but infer what he was really trying to say.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Hip-Hop Hold
John H. McWhorters essay How Hip-Hop Hold Blacks Back discusses the popular subculture phenomenon of blame and its effect on society. Recounting from have gots, McWhorther follows hip-hop as a counter-phenomenon which hinders the cultural and intellectual progress of the black community. Basing the development of hip-hop from the early 1960s to the 1970s, it emerged from the realism brought about by the oppression of the African-American community and how several ideologies, especially on activism, influenced the development of this genre.McWhorter argues on the effect of knap melody as a means of creating a retracted ideology it does not provide any room for any intellectual development as farthest as culture is concerned. As such, he mentions in the end that strike medicament creates nothing. Rap transmutation McWhorter states examples of historical implications of whack music. During the 1970s the idealism brought about by racial oppression, the black community raised c ontrary ideals towards apartheid and oppression, most notable of which were the ideals of African-American icons such as Malcolm X and Leroi Jones.The most famous of movements was the Black Panthers, a genial group that inspired ideological activism as well as employing harsh measures in hardening their claims. This gave rise to the sticking it to the man attitude, a kind of social behavior where authority does not apply and individuals bunk to view themselves above such authority and law. From these ideologies, it likewise implies an individualistic notion towards the essence of belt ammunition music, which concentrates much on the life of a gangsta in the alley, experiences on drugs, sex, and violence.According to McWhorter, rap music may be viewed as a cultural revolution of the society. That is, the message conveyed by these lyrics express a certain degree of the experiences of the bygone and conveying it as a detached attitude toward the status quo and authority. McWhor ter used several words to describe rap music, and from such usage, his writing style clearly presents his bias against it, labeling the music as nonsense and profane. He also states rap music and ideology revolves mainly on the persons apathetic stance toward authority.As depict by McWhorter, rap music retards black success since the music itself, according to him, only contains nonsense lyrics which celebrate street warfare, drugs, and promiscuity. McWhorter further mentions that violence, misogyny, and lawlessness are nothing to sing about. He also explains the idea of blaxploitation which celebrates the idea of a black criminal as a revolutionary figure. This blaxploitation led to the development of the gangsta style, deviating from the early forms of rap as a pop or bubble gum music.Rap music is then associated with a constant mindset in disobedience and being above the system. From this point on, rap music has become another form of self-expression, concentrating more than on the aforementioned themes. The lyrics found in these rap songs have become edgy and tantamount to real translation. As McWhorter mentions specific rap songs depicting these themes, he focuses more on the rappers individual experiences, as described by the life in the ghetto marred with hardships and suffering.The songs then further downplays into more explicit themes such as detailed depictions of violence and problems against authority such as the inclusion of policemen and its association with violence. As such, these songs then wager explicit choice of word use in the lyrics which directly imply the use of guns and violence and their encounters with authority. McWhorter also adds that the gangsta type of rap are interspersed with mysoginistic views, viewing women as mere objects and prone to obsscene defamation as verbalised in the lyrics.In this case, McWhorter states the use of these words adhere to sexual promiscuity and an apparent attack on the bod of women. This pres ents another land-view, according to McWhorter, as he sums up the gangsta hip-hop genre with Life aint nothin but bitches and money (McWhorter, 4). He then points out that his kind of rap music can go old quickly and the rap music that can truly sell are those that are edgy, political, and representing another view with authority and society. cultural influences From the aforementioned themes, rap music has then developed into an alternative culture, as it reinforces another kind of social behavior.The meaning implied by the lyrics used in rap songs produces another method of thinking, and from these implications, the behavior that the hip-hop world presents can be accepted as societal norms. The bind presents a semi-critique of the notion on rap music and society. McWhorter associates the evolution of the music during the oppressive state of the black community during the sixties and seventies. He implies that rap music is a regressed state of music. He argues that although the can remain revolutionary in essence, the themes rap music tries to espouse is somehow degrading to the advancement of the black culture.He mentions the gesticulations, speech mannerisms as influenced by rap music can hinder young black men in searching for careers because of this unruly behavior they aline in rap music. He also states that even as the media depict the successful African-American sight in the industry, rap music, he argues, still depicts black people are uncivilized. The article is a semi-critique, that in a sense, it only presents the cultural implications of rap music and its adverse effect on society. However, it merely acts as a pure critique rather than a practical critique of rap ideologies.In a way, the article only acts as a reminder of this existing subculture and it does not give any practical situations in which the culture of rap can be addressed. However, the problem also lies on raps history. Because of its uniqueness and the stick it to the man attit ude, it has permeated with the societal mindset and has transformed into another phenomenological event of human concept. The gangsta mindset is now deeply inherent through the consciousness of its audience and therefore can be hard for any critique to change. McWhorters notation and word used clearly portrays his bias against the nonsense of hip-hop.This nonsense is viewed both in the linguistic and ideal sense. Rap musics choice of words is often explicit and profane, and it uses such words with constant repetition as though it is a part of the gangsta vocabulary. There is even an implication from the examples given by McWhorter that profane words in rap is in itself a standard and to be without such words, it cannot be considered hip-hop or rap. The lingual problem is also associated with gesticulations and speech mannerisms, according to McWhorter, that is considered arrogant and irritating.According to the author, the theme that rap music revolves around is nonsense, since i t only concentrates on the experience of the individual in his/her conditions supported by a formative mindset from the past. Sex, alcohol, violence and drugs are commonplace themes in rap music, and these degrade the possibility of cultural advancement of a real society not hindered by any racial bias or oppression. Works Cited McWhorter, John H. How Hip-Hop Holds Black Back. The urban center Journal (Summer 2003).
Saturday, May 18, 2019
CDA competency goal Essay
In order to extend a safe environment to impede injuries Id do the pursuit I would square up every toy and equipment the children will be occupying for broken or missing parts often, to ensure that they continue safe for use and play. I would make sure that all told chemicals and cleaning supplies are put out out of the reach of children or stored away in locked cabinets to prevent injury or poisoning, I would as well as baby proof every corner of each table and make sure to place an wall socket plug on each power outlet, to make sure that no child ever bumps their unconvincing heads and gets shocked at any point in time I would liked to be skilled in emergency evacuation procedures and plans so I know what to do if there ever is a tornado, hurricane or in the events of a fire so that I am able to remove all children from the classroom and/or building to safety. I am training to be certified in starting Aid and CPR,which makes me knowledgeable of caring for accidents and injuries. Functional Area 2 HealthyIn order to come through an environment that promotes health and prevents illness, and teaches children about good nutrition and practices that promote wellness, I would ensure to do the following Id sanitize all toys daily and immediately after being put into a childs mouth, to prevent the spread of germs. I will wash my hands and wear gloves sooner and while handling food, I would clean my hands after handling food, helping with toileting, cleaning noses to prevent germs from being spread I will follow the centers policies for sick children to prevent another(prenominal) illnesses throughout the classroom. Functional Area 3 Learning EnvironmentIn order to use relationships, the somatogenetic space, materials, daily schedule, and routines provided to create a secure, interesting, and an amusing environment that promotes engagement, entertaining exploration, and learning of all children including children with disabilities and special needs, I would take these necessary precautions Well arranged space , which meets the developmental needs of children during routines and play, is provided. A variety of developmentally and age appropriate materials are available. Materials that will be used for play are well-organized.
Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twains Adventures of huckleberry Finn American Perspective virtu aloney(prenominal) of the pieces if literature have divers(prenominal) perspectives on the American social club and governing and also have different affects on the readers. One piece of literature that really deals with American society in the 19th ascorbic acid is Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. This piece of literature deals with racism and the different reforms the government was trying to enforce, which made some sight quite upset, along with giving different perspectives of society at this time.One of the char seconders in this story is referred to as Pap. This is Huck Finns father and he seems to be in the move well-disposed categorize of society. He is an hard who thinks the government is against him and also believes the government is stupid for its different reforms, especially the one that lets Negros be free and not slaves in the South if they have not been there for a long enou gh time. He believes that all Negros should be slaves and that the government is stupid for not implementing that belief.The whole issue with slaves is not an issue anymore, tho cool it many people atomic number 18 racists, including the older generation. This type of attitude is still held by some people, that Negros should be held at a lower class because they are not good as white people or that the Negros think they are better than white people. Pap also believes the justice system is bollocks and it is all somewhat power. He refuses to give custody of Huck to Judge Thatcher and the Widow because he feels wish well he has more right to Huck because he is his father, even though he has a narrative of neglect and abuse.This reflects some of the lower class even now because some people feel exchangeable their children should not be taken away from them, even though they abuse them or neglect them or something that is just not legal. They will disrespect the justice system and say several crude statements somewhat our justice system. Pap is a char tourer in this novel that reflects some of the lowest in the lower class in American society from the 19th century and now. Pap makes one think about how the members of the lower class act.Some of the lower class are proud people and refuse to act this way, only there are the alcoholics and drug addicts of this class that gives everyone a bad name. Pap represents the worst of the lower class for the 19th century and he displays that not much has changed for these types of people, other than now they take money from the government and then say the government is horrible. This novel shows other perspectives of American society. There is Jim, who is a slave, which gives almost the pivotal perspectives to Pap.Jim is a genuinely nice person when he is even lower than Pap in social ranking. The Widow gives a different perspective. She does not speak much about her view of the government but she is perceived as lower class to middle class. She believes everyone should be civilized, which Pap and Huck are not. She gives a very different perspective then Pap, Huck, or Jim. Then there is the perception of society Huck has. He wants to run away from it all. He does not want to be part of a society where he has to be civilized.He is a typical teenager and some teens in the present think and act in these ways. The different perspectives represented in this book seem to be represented even now, in 2013. This piece of literature changed my perspective on America because it made me realize that this is still how many Americans act in society today. There might be different issues, but there is still the attitudes that are displayed in this piece of literature. People think we have moved forward and become better, but we rightfully have not done this.This book may not be new-fashioned, but it applies to many modern situations and behaviors of the different social classes and the government. All on e has to do is read this book and think about the unwitting people in our society and realize we have not really changed at all in the past 150 to 200 years other than more equal rights and we have all gotten lazier because of technology. Those are the only differences in our society now, and this novel made me realize this.
Friday, May 17, 2019
A Long Way Down By Matthew Simpson Song Analysis
Nick Hornby is a innovational British classic author, having won many awards, closely of his reserve gots have climbed to the top of the bestsellers chart. Most of his books ar fictional and tend to be written round discharged point of references or characters who be now quite far down the mixer ladder, for whatever reason. His books have through well enough for three films to be made divulge of them.A Long Way Down is al almost four characters who want to commit suicide, but meet and decide not to, instead opting to help individu all told(prenominal)y new(prenominal). It was very successful because of its narrative and the characters which we analogous to get wind about in order to make ourselves odour better. People would in addition buy it because of his previous success.There are many reasons for its success, including the fact that it is about suicide. We are intrigued by this narrative because it is something we do not really sleep with about. The theme of social wealth is also very alpha because it is something we are involved with on a day to day basis.Character introductions are very important because it sets the standard for the rest of the novel and also needs to hook the reader. Emma By Jane capital of Texas is a good example as it hooks us by talking immediately about social wealth, with very little to distress or vex her, this intrigues us because we want to register about her luxurious life carriage.As I have previously discussed, Hornby is a bestselling author who has stick a modern classic author. This reputation moldiness have helped A Long Way Down to sell well, as it did become a bestseller. geographic expedition of character introductionsAll four characters start the narrative and the variety in social wealth of the characters adds to interest. By having these four contradicting characters, we are guaranteed conflict. Jess is a young, party-going loudmouth, but is without many friends, and not have anyplace to go on New Years Eve. We as readers wonder what her life is like, but once we find out that she has a political father, and a comfortable home, we feel little sympathy for her.Jess likes to urge with and annoy the other characters, which can excite us, because we like to see characters fall out in order to make us feel better about ourselves. Maureen is the other female, who is extremely introverted with a disabled son. Her transformation from this character into a more relaxed, open and friendly character aft(prenominal) hitting Jess ex, shows us that even the most reclusive tidy sum can change and be happy, making us as readers happy as well.By adding a supposed rising American rock star, who has unfortunately fallen on problematical times, we feel sorry that he was not able to achieve his ambitions. JJs constant use of swear linguistic process livens up the story, Oh OK, your band was fucked upthe only reason you were in this fuckin country, as we dont see it as being pretentious , or something that we cant read. The icing on the cake has to be the law-breaking child molester, screwing a fifteen-year-old, who rocketed into the public eye for things which he would rather have not been being bombarded by the press with headlines such as SLEAZEBAG We want to know how on earth he could possibly live with himself, and perhaps project that hes not the murderous villain that we might typically stereotype him as. Although, for sure, we are not meant to like him all that much. Having these four different suicidal characters also means that we can see that suicidal mass arent inevitably as selfish as we might think they are, and that they are just normal people like you and me, except grossly stereotyped and with supposedly big problems.Each character interests us in a different way, and patently one of the novels greatest pulls is its modern style, with frequent use of colloquialism and so on, as I have explained below. However, some other interesting factors a re the fact that Jess doesnt use speech mark because she apparently doesnt understand how to use them. By varying the syntax like this, it makes the sentence structure less(prenominal) common and so more interesting to read, and perhaps a bit more of a altercate to read. Another key factor is how one character thinks of the other characters, for example Martin thinks that he is besides alter to hang around with the other three, when he clearly isnt. This difference in attitudes towards each other that they dont all necessarily know about, has the effect of making the reader think they have an advantaged view on things and so want to find out how things change.Hornby releases information slowly in order to add intrigue. This is evident in the first chapter which Maureen writes, where she talks about a He and His without telling us who this is. We wonder if she is in a dysfunctional relationship, until we find out a few lines later that it is actually her son, and later alleviate a sick child, which perhaps makes her seem selfish when she says, but you can see that nothing goes in.It is vastly important that Hornby uses a split narrative so hat we can see the central plot told or portrayed from several different angles, and see what effects it has on Martins family or what he has left of it as a result, for example, You know Martin left us? We didnt leave him? It also gives us, as readers, variety so that if we halt bored of one characters way of writing, we are safe in the knowledge that another(prenominal) character willing be along in a minute that has a different outlook on things, and a different style of writing, inspiring us to keep reading. Moreover, if we had just one narrative then we wouldnt learn anything about suicide that would give us a well-rounded opinion if you like, it would also get repulsively boring unless that character had split personalities, for example.Explore Hornbys writing styleI think that Hornbys writing style is fabulous. The way we get the impression that he has written nothing, and that it was the work of these completely believable characters is astounding. As above, he frequently uses colloquialism, presumably to bring the novel down to earth and to make people believe that these could be real people. He uses very subtle language techniques such as brackets to make Maureen seem un-confident and Jess want of speech marks to indicate stupidity. Practically the whole book is written like a intercourse and flows like one as well. Pretty much the whole book could be put on a stage without too much re-writing, and this, I suppose, helps to lift it out of the weighting of a book where complicated language and dull paragraphs are used into something that you could believe to be happening in you street.Exploration of themes and narrativesWe are interested in a group of people who want to kill themselves because it is not something we would normally think of doing, and neither is it something that we kno w about. The fact that suicide is so taboo in modern baseball club makes the narrative of this book even more narrative, because it is somewhere where we can find out a little more about suicide, without all the opinions of other people etc. We are ultimately intrigued by this. fond wealth is extremely important in the novel, because if the characters had been successful people with lots of money, and lots of friends then we as reads would not be interested. When we pick up a book, most of us like to escape to another world, and find out about that world. Furthermore, we like to feel good about ourselves at the same time, so the characters have to be the complete opposite to the above so that we can compare it to our own lives and be happy that we are doing fairly well.A lot of people are obsessed with celebrity in todays society, so the fact that this is a key component for Martin in the novel is a big pull. celebrity magazines usually focus on relationships, and rarely do we see celebrities with such vivid problems as Martin. We as readers want to see what this fame-torn star does with his life and also to observe his downfall. They want to know how someone with such a reputable job could get into such a bad state, which is something a lot of people like finding out about. We perhaps also feel sympathy for him because of the way he is tough by the media, which draws parallels with how real-life celebrities are treated and how we now think of them as a result of reading the novel.For those people who read A Long Way Down and are religious, a big part of the narrative for them must be Maureens struggle with her religions stance on what she so desperately wants to do and the pain she is suffering. People may wonder how on earth a Catholic could possible consider one of the biggest sins, as the obvious thing to say is that it is not an option for her, but she clearly thinks it is. Readers will want to find out, specifically in these days of high religious te nsion, how and if she manages to turn her back on her religions beliefs. Suicide and religious ill-doing tie in very tightly with each other here.Some people may argue that the ending of the novel was a bit of an anti-climax, because they were expecting at least one of the four to commit suicide. However, I would argue that it wasnt, because we never really root for any of the characters to kill themselves, instead we want to see them split up their problems. The fact that we get an ending where they talk about helping someone else who is in their situation, shows that they have learnt something and go on, and this makes us happy.In Martins last chapter, he seems to write a bit like an offender doing conjunction service, as he tries to gain back his self-respect. This shows us that his arrogance from the start of the novel had perhaps started to die, until we read that he didnt like the child and goddamned him for not getting his self-respect back quickly, I blamed him, partly. And again, perhaps the partly shows that he is starting to see the error of his ways. He also uses a poster narrative the story beings with him stating, Suicide was my Sydney, and ends by saying, self-respect is in, say, Sydney. This shows us that he has moved on, but more so that he was back at the start, as were the others, and all the guilt and problems they had were very much still there.Throughout the book I never really cared for any of the characters and perhaps this is because I saw commit for them, there was always an alternate path Maureen could have sent Matty to a care home, so I didnt think they needed caring for. I think that they were designed to intrigue and interest the reader, but were too vulgar or out of the ordinary to care for. I think that a reader would be more likely to care for a character if they were in a similar situation and so could empathize with them.In conclusion, I think that the social relevance of the novel outweighs that of the character intro ductions, because it is such a big issue in modern society, and this is where the initial spark of intrigue comes from, from us wanting to know so much about the topic of suicide.However, because the character introductions are so good, they are also obligated for hooking the reader and keeping them reading, perhaps more so than the social relevance. Had this book been released in the twenties then the social relevance in relation to partying and suicide etc, would have perhaps of been less than it is now, and the introductions would have been such a contrast to writing of that time that they would not hook many people. So after reflection, it must be a combination of the two.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Plesae read the atricle and answer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Plesae read the atricle and answer - Assignment ExampleSubsequently, the author details how during the post war age different actors helped to re-define the shrines in terms of pre- lofty power and greatness of Japanese tradition.Likewise the article details the historical meanings and religious connotations that the shrine has had on various groups throughout Japanese history to include Buddhist monks, Yamato dynasty, Imperial Japan, and Post-World War II Japanese culture and society. In a sense, by analyzing the way that this shrine has had much(prenominal) a profound effect on the determination of the society and the different factions within it, the author is fitted to emphasize how locations and images have a profound effect on the identify of given groups and how they in plait relate to the rest of the world around them.The greater understanding that the reader is about to walk forward from this piece with is that humanity ascribes its own unique values and belief systems to historic relics or shrines that exist in contemporary society. This truism is especially helpful in understanding how religious movements and radical political movements ar able to gain such a great deal of influence and form a abstemious (albeit oftentimes patently false) connection to some point in history. Naturally one immediately recalls the Nazis attempts to bend history and various shrines to their own distinct interpretation of
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