Sunday, October 6, 2019

Health and well-being 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health and well-being 3 - Essay Example In such a highly demanding lifestyle the modern man lives, one would usually rely on the help of technology, making him used to sitting or lying down. In addition, the abundance of fast food centers is also a contributing factor to the growth of unhealthy lifestyle where people rely on the cheap and readily available but unhealthy foods. For instance, hamburgers could be hurriedly availed but it sure is full of fat. In addition, the upsize is usually a tempting choice especially during a long day in school or office. Colas are good matches for fast food picks and the upsize is also available for just few more cents, giving more sugar intake. Such influences have been a part of my life for a long time and breaking the practice usually is a struggle. Taking this class has reminded me of my responsibilities to myself, especially in taking care of my health which I can definitely control through self-discipline. I have made a few changes to my eating habits again, getting rid of unhealthy snacks like chips and colas which are sure contributors to diseases affecting the kidneys and other vital internal organs. I now rely on fruits for my sugar intake and eat more vegetables to strengthen my immune system. Eating at home has been frequent these past weeks and adjusting my schedule for me to be able to cook my own food has been deliberately planned. Picking my kitchen needs has given me more time to walk and make my social life healthier by meeting more people, communicating with those whom I meet in the department stores and not limiting my social life within the school. Preparing my own food allowed me to do more various activities, giving me room to relax, think and organize. Learning that sleep is essential to physical health, I made changes to my night activities for me to be able to sleep early and take enough rest, allowing my body to regenerate normally. With the

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